CRISIS WITHIN GROWTH: NATIONAL LIMITS AND SHOCKS TO GLOBAL REVIVAL by David Hemson Introduction In 1930 the economist Keynes made a prophetic call: his grandchildren would work 15 hours a week. He saw capitalism as heading harmoniously towards superabundance, in which toil ceased in a leisure society. In the aftermath of depressions, great recessions, stagnation and austerity, it is clear that … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2018
What is WIN?
The Workers’ International Network emerged out of an online socialist discussion list. This was a broad forum for the free exchange of ideas between socialists of a range of affiliations and of none, which Roger Silverman set up together with some co-thinkers in various countries (mostly but not exclusively former CWI members) in 2006. WIN’s ideas had been germinating over several years of … [Read more...]
The Future International
This article has its origin in an online socialist discussion list. It does not claim to represent the views of all participants on the list, which is a broad forum for the exchange of ideas between unaffiliated socialists and individual members of existing socialist groups. It is offered as a basis for discussion by the organisers of the list, known as the Workers’ International Network. Note. … [Read more...]
Preparing for Revolution
Preparing for Revolution: A discussion document Note: This document should be read after The New International which accompanies it and was an update written in March 2012. PREPARING FOR REVOLUTION A DISCUSSION DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION The world today stands on the brink of catastrophe: a “perfect storm” that threatens to tear society apart and call into question the survival of … [Read more...]
Syrian Conflict
As we go to print, a bloodbath is being prepared against the Syrian people in Idlib province. Hundreds of thousands from elsewhere in Syria have been kettled there along with the original Idlib population. The Iranian government, whose troops in Syria have carried out ethnic cleansing, has called for a “purge” in Idlib. Troops of Assad, Putin and Rouhani are massing at the border while Russian … [Read more...]
On the Brink: Critical Perspectives for Our Time
We live in uncertain times. Two decades into the twenty-first century, at a time when scientific and technological advances offer potential prospects hardly dreamed of by previous generations, life seems ever more dangerous, and society more conflicted, while environmental degradation is threatening the very future of humankind. A clear understanding of the causes of this crisis and of a possible … [Read more...]