In this article Roger Silverman writes about the events that began in 2012 when three courageous women defied Russia's dictator Putin in a daring public demonstration, and were subsequently jailed. Their stand belonged to a proud Russian tradition of defiance by artists and writers of successive autocratic regimes, first under the Tsars and later under Stalin's tyranny and the rule of his … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2019
The Oakland Teacher Strike: Context and Perspective
Jack Gerson a retired Oakland teacher and former member of OEA bargaining team and executive board writes about the wave of teacher strikes that hit the United States earlier this year. On February 21, 2019, the Oakland Education Association (OEA), representing 3,000 public school teachers and support workers in the city of Oakland, California, launched a strike that resonated throughout the … [Read more...]
Greece, Europe and Elections
Roger Silverman author of Defiance: Greece and Europe, comments on the general election results in Greece, announced earlier this week. Roger says... they have been reported as a victory for the “conservative” party New Democracy. True enough, New Democracy won the contest with 39.9% of the votes cast, to the outgoing governing left party SYRIZA’s 31.5% - a result which at first sight appears, if … [Read more...]
The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign
In this episode Eddie Doveton will be talking to John Dunn from the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign. The campaign includes ex-miners such as John, Trades Unionists, activists and others who are determined to get justice for miners who were victims of police lies and cover ups at Orgreave which happened in June 1984 during the miners strike. Further details about the campaign can be found at … [Read more...]
Centenary Year of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Lal Khan writes about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre on April 12, 1919, carried out by the British army during the British empire’s occupation of India. In the late spring of 1919, green meadows in the fertile plains of Punjab were acquiring a golden hue with the sun’s rising radiance. It was the onset of harvest time. A century ago the near-absence of pollution, the air would have been … [Read more...]
The Current Situation in Iran and the working class movement
In this episode of Socialist Dialogue we are going to hear from Aman Kafa, from the Iran’s Hekmatist Party (official line). Aman talks to us about the current situation in Iran and on the growing working-class movement in that country. … [Read more...]
Academisation: A Crisis of Education
Carel Buxton of the Newham Against Academisation Campaign wites about the crisis in our education system caused by the academisation of schooling. Education System Crisis The English education system is in crisis. School Governors and Headteachers are having to cope with the biggest funding deficit in living memory, a massive recruitment shortfall, record numbers of teachers leaving the … [Read more...]