We're living in extraordinary times. The flimsy tissue of capitalist “civilisation” stands exposed. For this pandemic is not an “act of God”; it is a crime of capitalism. Mercenary mass factory farming was long known to breed viral diseases which all too easily spread from animals to humans; and the crisis has exposed the effect of savage cuts in state expenditure – sabotage of the health service … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2020
The Struggle for Democracy
ED BOBER asks whether democracy can ever be compatible with capitalism and examines how a real workers’ democracy would operate Across the world, revolutions are breaking out against the ravages of neo-liberalism. In the past, demonstrators have demanded a change of government; today’s demonstrations are seeking ways of changing the whole system! Some spark sets off a … [Read more...]
Transforming Bradford
By Allan Brack reports on a radical cultural initiative Now more than ever, in the face of the most right-wing Tory Government in living memory and a world in turmoil, we need to radicalise and build a broad Labour Movement of solidarity, unity and strength. Alongside political debate and education, art and creativity have a huge role to play in combating the power of the media oligarchs, … [Read more...]
Lal Khan’s memory will be honoured
The untimely death of Lal Khan (Tanvir Gondal, as I knew him) has struck a bitter blow, not only to the ongoing struggle and future hopes of the working class in Pakistan and internationally, but also to me personally. Ever since we first met almost forty years ago, I counted him an ally and a comrade, and also a loyal friend. As often in Tanvir’s life, his personal circumstances were … [Read more...]
France: Towards a General Strike
OLIVIER DELBEKE reports from Paris, 12th January 2020 The Macron government is mandated by big business to make up for the many years lost in doing to the workers of France what Mrs Thatcher and Herr Schroder inflicted on employees and pensioners in their countries during the 1980s and 1990s. in November 2018, barely 18 months after his election, Macron found himself facing a social … [Read more...]