The following statement was issued on 17th March by the Executive Committee of West Ham Constituency Labour Party. For socialists, the signs of capitalism’s failed response to a health crisis are glaringly plain for all to see. Boris Johnson flounders from one poorly judged decision to another, holding up his medical experts as a shield should he come under attack for any failures to deal … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2020
Covid-19 in Sri Lanka
By Jayatilaka Kammallaweera “May a day come when the world will be one vast land without any boundaries”, the veteran Sri Lankan poet Mahagma Sekara wrote in the ‘70s. His wish was a society without any class differences: in other words, a communist society. Many of us from all over the world worked towards this objective with positive thoughts. Today, a deadly disease has made the world … [Read more...]
JOINT STATEMENT BY THE PAKISTAN TRADE UNION DEFENCE CAMPAIGN (PTUDC) AND REVOLUTIONARY STUDENTS FRONT (RSF) The Coronavirus pandemic across the world has unleashed a situation where societies are being shut down, healthcare systems are crumbling, heavy restrictions are being imposed and conditions are taking sharp turns. Pakistan is also facing the same situation. It has exposed historical … [Read more...]
By Jan Hagglund The situation in Sweden is the same as earlier in Britain, with the schools open (kindergarten and Years 1-9) and the tubes running. Sweden has adopted the same "pretending-strategy" as Britain , only worse. We have our own "alps" for people that like to go skiing downhill, and at the foot of our mountains there are "apres-skis" with bars: OPEN! Now new reports are coming in … [Read more...]
Covid-19 and the Environmental Crisis
By Ed Bober This pandemic is an early warning of what the climate crisis will bring to humanity: a greatly reduced inability to travel, scarcity including the risk of starvation, the collapse and overwhelming of services to protect the population. All politicians will face new levels of criticism and scrutiny by the mass of the people. In terms of political responses, there are some … [Read more...]
From United States
By John Reimann, USA The Covid-19 pandemic which is wreaking such havoc is first and foremost an environmental disease. Or, more exactly, it is caused by how our society – capitalist society – interacts with the natural world. This includes both wilderness areas and modern capitalist agriculture, and the relationship between these two. As with all resources, from human labor … [Read more...]
Covid-19 and South Africa: A test of six statements
By David Hemson President Ramaphosa is weak and incapable of leadershipPeople cannot be ordered to stay away from work if they have no moneyThe SA labour movement will press its own demandsThe high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the population will lead to runaway Covid-19 infectionSouth Africa has a developed health system which will be resilient to the face of Covid-19South Africa will have the … [Read more...]
Covid-19: The Crisis in Cyprus
By Themos Demetriou Waking up on a lockdown day changes perspectives. I have lived through curfews before, as a child, during the struggle against the British. We complied with curfew regulations. Breaking them would risk being shot by the soldier patrols. At the time, things were simple, understandable. Repressive measures were imposed by the colonial power in its … [Read more...]
Britain: The Pandemic, the Working Class and the Left
By Andrew Burgin The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating across the world. Every few days the scope and scale of the disease is increasing. Hundreds of thousands of people are being infected, many thousands have already died and many tens of thousands will die. In China, where the outbreak was first identified, it has been brought under control, but elsewhere it is spreading rapidly. In … [Read more...]