By Vincent Presumey. First phase of the war: Bonapartist France against German unity. A telescoped retrospective view gives us the impression that the Paris Commune was born directly from the Franco-German war of 1870-1871(eighteen-seventy/eighteen-seventy-one). But the deep working-class and democratic forces which led to the Commune, "the antithesis of the empire", were at work long … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2021
Sinhala Paper ASANI
This is the latest issue of the monthly Sinhala paper ASANI, produced by the United Socialist Party of Sri Lanka, a major participant in WIN. Copies are obtainable on request. … [Read more...]
The Senegal Uprising: An Eye-Witness Report
Long considered the most stable country in West Africa, Senegal is the latest country to join the worldwide wave of protest. The nationwide uprising was sparked off by the arrest of the opposition politician Ousmane Sonko on rape charges, which he alleges are a ruse to block his candidacy for presidential elections. But what lies behind the uprising is growing youth unemployment, poverty, … [Read more...]
Perspectives for the USA
Introduced by John Reimann (Oakland Socialist) and Tia Kurtisnger-Edison (Kentucky Alliance)The USA has entered a period of turmoil and instability.What lies behind the downfall of the Trump presidency? Was January’s storming of the Capitol building “Trumpism’s” last gasp? What are the prospects for a Republican resurgence?The new Democratic administration has launched a massive economic rescue … [Read more...]
In Memory of Rosa Luxemburg
The Workers' International Network celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rosa Luxemburg (5th March 1871) with a special meeting.While still a teenager, Rosa organised a general strike in her native Poland. Having migrated to Germany in 1897, she moved the historic resolutions at the Socialist International’s 1907 Stuttgart Congress and 1912 Basel conference pledging resistance to the … [Read more...]
Roger Silverman Speaks on the Crisis in the Labour Party
Roger Silverman speaks on the crisis in the Labour Party to an audience of nearly 200 at the conference of the Labour In Exile Network, 27th February 2021. … [Read more...]
The Uprising in India
India is the scene today of a gigantic mass uprising, with up to 250 million workers staging recurrent general strikes and 300,000 farmers occupying New Delhi in a six-month siege. Olivier (on behalf of Jacques Chastaing) and Umar Shahid explain the background to these unprecedented events. Jacques Chastaing, a French activist in close contact with the farmers’ uprising in … [Read more...]