Archives for May 2024
Even if it avoids civil war, Israel’s final crisis looks cataclysmic!
by Yorgos Mitralias In July 2021, commenting on Albert Einstein's prophetic warnings of Israel's disastrous future as early as 1948, we concluded our text with the following observation and, at the same time, prediction: "Unfortunately, it seems clear that Einstein was right again. With the British now a remote memory, it is indeed true that the descendants of the “terrorist organizations” … [Read more...]
A Workers' International Network meeting May 2024. Listen to the discussion HERE At our WIN discussion meetings we regularly focus on the crisis of capitalism, the rich history of the labour movement, and the constant contemporary struggles of the working class. This week we are turning our attention to an examination of the attempts of the ruling class to drive a wedge within the working … [Read more...]
“THIS IS TIME IT’S DIFFERENT!” The coming election in South Africa
Listen to the discussion HERE. The 7th election on 28th May, after 30 years of African National Congress rule. A WIN discussion May 2024. Thirty years ago the world celebrated democracy and the coming to power of the ANC, a liberation movement. The hope then was that freedom would end brutal poverty and bring jobs, free health care, free higher education, housing, and real equality. These hopes … [Read more...]
What are Greek students waiting for to mobilise?
The student movement for Palestine is now spreading everywhere, inspiring resistance to the barbarism of our times… by Yorgos Mitralias See Al Jazeera report about negotiations for a ceasefire HERE As the student movement in solidarity with the Palestinians and denunciation of their genocide by Israel intensifies in the United States and now spreads across the planet, there are growing … [Read more...]
When Afghanistan was red! – By Imran Kamyana (Asian Marxist Review)
There are turning points in the evolution of societies that determine their direction for quite long periods of time. In this regard, many past events become crucial to understand the current situation and create a perspective for the future. There is always a need to discuss such happenings time and again so that their lessons can be passed on to the new … [Read more...]
The Genesis of Palestinian Issue; Is There Any Way Out? By Sajid Naeem (Asian Marxist Review)
“…The only way forward is the class struggle". At first this may seem a far-fetched utopia. But a closer look will bring it to light like a shining star in the black night of capitalist reaction. During this very war there are glorious examples of this phenomenon. If class struggle is a utopia, what name can be given to the Jews’ movement in America “Not in Our Name”? What about the valiant “Stop … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion April 2024. May 1st has been recognised as international workers' day ever since the strike of trade unions in the USA in 1886 for the eight-hour working day, which ended in the notorious police massacre of workers at the Haymarket in Chicago. In 1889 the newly-formed Socialist International called a worldwide one-day general strike for the following May Day, and workers' parties … [Read more...]
We are living in a highly explosive period. Israel's genocidal war on Gaza is rapidly spreading, with an intensified crackdown on the population of the West Bank, skirmishes with Hezbollah, the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria, drone and missile attacks on Israel by Iran, and the growing likelihood of a direct military confrontation between Israel and Iran leading to a wider Middle East … [Read more...]