A WIN discussion June, 2024. India now has the largest population in the world. And In the ten years since the far-right prime minister Narendra Modi came to power, its economy has grown from the world’s tenth largest to its fifth. At the same time, India’s credentials as a parliamentary democracy have been tarnished by brutal attacks on Muslims and other minority communities and blatant … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2024
Bolivia: We condemn the failed coup attempt -Declaration of the International Socialist League
“…This coup attempt in Bolivia is part of the complex international situation of growing polarization, in which imperialism and its complicit bourgeoisies seek authoritarian forms of government to be able to impose their harsh plans of austerity and plundering.” On Monday, June 24, the general commander of the Bolivian Armed Forces, Juan José Zúñiga, in a public interview, threatened to … [Read more...]
Kenya: A significant victory of the people that will be secured by not abandoning the streets
Statement of the Revolutionary Socialist League – Kenya“…we warn that we can only secure the effective withdrawal of the law if we do not abandon the streets. If Ruto does not sign the bill, but is not withdrawn, it will come into law 21 days after its parliamentary approval.” from Asian Marxist Review The people of Kenya have achieved a very significant victory this Wednesday, June 26, … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion June, 2024. Following last week’s WIN meeting marking the fortieth anniversary of the miners’ strike in Britain, John Dunn, a veteran of the strike, introduced a film commemorating a key turning point in that struggle: the battle of Orgreave, in which 5,000 striking miners were attacked by police mounted on horseback, brutally beaten with clubs, and in dozens of cases falsely … [Read more...]
By Revolutionary Socialist League – Kenya (Asian Marxist Review) After a week of mass protests, millions of Kenyans took to the streets this Tuesday, June 25, against the Finance Bill 2024, storming the national parliament and setting fire to it. State repression killed at least 17 protestors, injured at least 86 and abducted and disappeared at least 20 activists. The bill, designed … [Read more...]
Workers Rights in Tough Economic Times in Sri Lanka
From First News Sri Lanka - Face To Face. June 18, 2024. Att Swasthika Arulingam, President, United Federation of Labour, & Barath Arullsamy, Vice President CWC: Workers' Rights in Tough Economic Times. Listen to the discussion HERE … [Read more...]
France: With the New Popular Front, against the deadly fascist threat!
By Yorgos Mitralias When, just after the announcement of the results of the European elections, French President Macron surprised everyone by deciding to dissolve the Parliament and to call general elections for June 30, it was obvious that he aspired to repeat, once again, the successful blackmail thanks to which he had won his two presidential elections: to find himself alone against Marine … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion. It is now forty years since the year-long British coal miners’ strike – the greatest industrial conflict in Britain since the General Strike a century ago. 187,000 mine workers took part, bringing the number of working days lost in the strike to over 26 million.11,291 miners were arrested, and nearly 200 jailed. The police blockaded roads to keep pickets away from working … [Read more...]
FROM WORKERS’ INTERNATIONAL NETWORK The shock result of India’s parliamentary elections is a sign of the volatility of the world today: no more so than in its most populous country. The ruthless communalist business regime of the aspiring dictator Narendra Modi has been in power already for ten years. His election in 2014 and re-election in 2019 had been greeted with jubilation by the … [Read more...]
Fighting the IMF in Sri Lanka
A WIN discussion, June 2024. Watch the recording HERE. In 2022, Sri Lanka went bankrupt. Now – for the seventeenth time in the country’s history – the International Monetary Fund has intervened yet again, this time with a still more devastating programme. It is forcing the country to shrink its economy, privatise its remaining state-owned enterprises, and impose still more crippling taxes on … [Read more...]