by Yorgos Mitralias Thousands and thousands of Syrians of all ages dancing and embracing, weeping and singing, waving the country's new flag and celebrating the end of tyranny, in the center of Syrian cities but also in Paris, Istanbul and Moscow, in Berlin or Stockholm, everywhere in the world where the almost 7 million Syrians driven from their country since 2011 have taken refuge. And … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2024
Syria: One bloody dictator less and an uncertain future
By International Socialist League Asian Marxist Review In a Middle East already severely devastated by the Palestinian genocide and the Zionist State of Israel’s attack on Lebanon, Bashar al-Assad’s draconian dictatorship fell in Syria a few days ago and was replaced in power by an Islamist sector in command of a heterogeneous rebel coalition. A new era full of uncertainties has begun in … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion December 2024. Listen to the discussion HERE. Ever since the fall of the Ceaușescu regime in 1989, Romania has been plunged into turmoil by the scramble between the winners and the losers of the new capitalist order. This tension peaked during the recent elections of 2024, when the Constitutional Court invalidated the presidential run-off – a highly controversial decision which … [Read more...]
A House of Cards: Sri Lanka’s Sovereign Bond Fiasco and the Precarious Balancing Act of Central Bank
By Dhanusha Gihan Pathirana The Central Bank (CBSL) Governor's sanguine assurances about Sri Lanka's debt sustainability ring hollow in the face of Sri Lanka’s impending foreign exchange obligations. While the recently signed International Sovereign Bond (ISB) restructuring agreement is touted as a panacea, the reality paints a far grimmer picture. CBSL Governor's nonchalant dismissal of a … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion December 2024. Follow it on Youtube HERE. The recent general election in Ireland has marked a setback for the left. The two traditional parties of the ruling class have between them come close to an overall majority and are likely to continue to rule as a reactionary coalition. The Greens have been all but wiped out; Sinn Fein has lost momentum in terms of its voting percentage; … [Read more...]
The fascist threat is becoming clearer as Milei calls for the creation of the Brown International!
by Yorgos Mitralias “It is our moral duty to defend the legacy of our western civilisation. The West is in danger...We must stand together, establishing channels of cooperation throughout the world. We could call ourselves a right-wing international, a network of mutual assistance made up of all those interested in spreading the ideas of freedom around the world". This call for the … [Read more...]
Facts for Working People Blog – Gaza
FROM Richard Mellor, Afscme Local 444, HEO/GED retired, USA. GAZA: WHEN A GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING SILENCE IS COMPLICITY The savagery that we see in the video, occurred, not in opposition to US policy and the Biden/Harris Administration, but with its full cooperation. If you are silent on this in your everyday life then you too are complicit, not at the same level for sure, but you are not … [Read more...]
Facts for Working People Blog – USA
FROM Richard Mellor, Afscme Local 444, retired, USA The issue Wolff raises here I think is basically correct. The end of the domination of US imperialism on a world scale is on the way. Gone is the period of the Best and the Brightest as Halbertam’s book was titled. Look at the decisions the US ruling class has made including and since the Vietnam War; Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and perhaps the … [Read more...]
Trump and the European right: an attraction-repulsion relationship that does not bode well…
by Yorgos Mitralias What to think of Trump's return to the White House? For the European bourgeoisies and their parties, the answer should be and has been positive and even enthusiastic. But why? Because of Trump's very clearly expressed intention to implement reactionary, anti-union, anti-worker, anti-social and pro-capitalist policies that the European right-wingers would like to … [Read more...]
In recent years we have witnessed on the one hand an unprecedented wave of unrest, in protest movements in the USA and Europe and mass uprisings from Latin America to Africa and Asia; on the other, the rise and in many cases the electoral victory of far-right parties, including most recently the return of Donald Trump in the USA. At our weekly zoom meetings over the last five years the Workers' … [Read more...]