Labour’s Coming Split by Roger Silverman
Supplement to ON THE BRINK Was Labour ever a socialist party? Can the left ever again win the leadership? How can a new mass workers’ party be built? WIN presents this new analysis as a supplement to our latest edition of ON THE BRINK, published March 2023. See below the link to download your copy! … [Read more...]
On the Brink Issue 5
The December 2021 edition of OTB 5 can be downloaded as a pdf file … [Read more...]
Editorial: On the Brink Spring 2020
This is no time for glib slogans. December’s election result is a serious setback. It clears the way for the most brutal Tory attacks yet seen on our living standards and our democratic rights, destroying the last remaining vestiges of the welfare state and plunging into despair a generation of youth desperate for the chance of a future. It also puts at risk the advances made in the last four … [Read more...]
On the Brink: Critical Perspectives for Our Time
We live in uncertain times. Two decades into the twenty-first century, at a time when scientific and technological advances offer potential prospects hardly dreamed of by previous generations, life seems ever more dangerous, and society more conflicted, while environmental degradation is threatening the very future of humankind. A clear understanding of the causes of this crisis and of a possible … [Read more...]