It’s time to make some forecasts on what will happen to the world economy and its major countries in 2025. Many people reckon that it is waste of time making such forecasts as they are never accurate and quite often the opposite happens. Of course, forecasts are wrapped in error, given the many variables involved that drive economies. Weather forecasts are still difficult to make and … [Read more...]
The Syrian people have freed themselves from the Assad regime, but its campist supporters pretend to ignore it…
by Yorgos Mitralias Thousands and thousands of Syrians of all ages dancing and embracing, weeping and singing, waving the country's new flag and celebrating the end of tyranny, in the center of Syrian cities but also in Paris, Istanbul and Moscow, in Berlin or Stockholm, everywhere in the world where the almost 7 million Syrians driven from their country since 2011 have taken refuge. And … [Read more...]
The fascist threat is becoming clearer as Milei calls for the creation of the Brown International!
by Yorgos Mitralias “It is our moral duty to defend the legacy of our western civilisation. The West is in danger...We must stand together, establishing channels of cooperation throughout the world. We could call ourselves a right-wing international, a network of mutual assistance made up of all those interested in spreading the ideas of freedom around the world". This call for the … [Read more...]
Facts for Working People Blog – Gaza
FROM Richard Mellor, Afscme Local 444, HEO/GED retired, USA. GAZA: WHEN A GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING SILENCE IS COMPLICITY The savagery that we see in the video, occurred, not in opposition to US policy and the Biden/Harris Administration, but with its full cooperation. If you are silent on this in your everyday life then you too are complicit, not at the same level for sure, but you are not … [Read more...]
Facts for Working People Blog – USA
FROM Richard Mellor, Afscme Local 444, retired, USA The issue Wolff raises here I think is basically correct. The end of the domination of US imperialism on a world scale is on the way. Gone is the period of the Best and the Brightest as Halbertam’s book was titled. Look at the decisions the US ruling class has made including and since the Vietnam War; Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and perhaps the … [Read more...]
Trump and the European right: an attraction-repulsion relationship that does not bode well…
by Yorgos Mitralias What to think of Trump's return to the White House? For the European bourgeoisies and their parties, the answer should be and has been positive and even enthusiastic. But why? Because of Trump's very clearly expressed intention to implement reactionary, anti-union, anti-worker, anti-social and pro-capitalist policies that the European right-wingers would like to … [Read more...]
FROM Richard Mellor, Afscme Local 444, retired, USA Facts For Working People: Opinion: The meaning of Trump’s victory Facts For Working People: The Democratic Party We Knew Is Over. Something Fresh Must Take Its Place. Facts For Working People: US election 2024: inflation, immigration and identity Facts For Working People: The Video US Government Doesn't Want You To … [Read more...]
Trump, the fascist Caligula of bloodshed and civil war!
by Yorgos Mitralias Is Trump a fascist? Obviously, say half (49%) of Americans, many of his ex-collaborators, and the overwhelming majority of his opponents, experts in fascism, and the US and international media. In short, the same people who, only yesterday, found this question shocking or inappropriate, and branded as simplistic those who dared to answer in the affirmative. We … [Read more...]
Vladimir Putin: godfather and federator of the international far right!
By Yorgos Mitralias The subject of this article is not Putin the warmonger, nor Putin the invader of Ukraine. The subject of this article is Putin, the anti-democrat, the reactionary and the liberticide with increasingly fascist practices. So, after presenting the first pillar of the Brown International in gestation in the person of Israeli genocidaire Bibi Netanyahu, and awaiting the third … [Read more...]
When Israel’s accomplices accustom us to a monstrous, heartless and inhuman world!
by Yorgos Mitralias, introducing and republishing an article by GIDEON LEVY Worse than Israel's crimes is the fact that the entire so-called “civilized” world follows and comments on them as if they were just a video game. When, of course, it's not celebrating them by arming the criminal. Or approving them by letting them go unpunished. And it has been doing so for decades. And live on our TV … [Read more...]