The Great Health Heist - Lead off by Dr Bob Gill - YouTube The current pandemic has sent a shock wave throughout society worldwide, including in countries which had deluded themselves that modern sanitation and antibiotics had relegated such outbreaks to the distant past. So far at least 313 million people have been infected by COVID worldwide, and five and a half million have died. Yet this is … [Read more...]
FOSSIL FUELS MUST STAY IN THE GROUND! DEVELOP SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES! AN ECO-SOCIALIST LEFT FRONT MEETING: 9TH JUNE AT 7 PM BST. As the G7 meets in the UK, you are invited to a meeting at 7pm on June 9th 2021 to discuss how eco-socialists from different organisations and traditions can challenge G7 on issues from the vaccine to fossil fuels, climate crisis, … [Read more...]
Where is Britain Going
John Dunn, veteran of the historic miners’ strike and socialist campaigner, introduces a discussion on Britain. What future does Britain face today? Will Brexit open up new prospects for British capitalism, or does it mark a new stage in its decline? Can the “United Kingdom” of “Great Britain” hold together, or will it disintegrate into separate statelets? Will the … [Read more...]
Northern Ireland: A Return to “The Troubles” ?
23 years after the signing of the Good Friday agreement to end IRA and loyalist violence and establish political structures, street violence in the form of serious attacks on the Northern Ireland police, mainly from working class “protestant” communities, has been promoted in the world media.The failure of the in-built sectarian-based political structures to represent the Northern Ireland working … [Read more...]
Roger Silverman speaks at LLA Conference
This is a transcript of Roger Silverman's talk to the LLA Conference, 30th January 2021 Welcome to what could well prove a landmark conference. Hearty thanks for your support for the candidates of the LLA, and for my candidacy, in the recent elections for Labour’s National Executive Committee. In these elections we were opposed not just by the right wing, but also by the official left, which … [Read more...]
Black Lives Matter: Perspectives for the UK
by Roger Silverman As an NEC member, I would campaign vigorously to restore the supremacy of party conference, uphold the democratic right of open selection of candidates for office, end arbitrary suspensions, and put forward radical socialist policies along the lines of the 2019 election manifesto. I was born into a Labour family and have been a lifelong party activist. My father was a … [Read more...]
Covid19 – Change the System!
The following statement was issued on 17th March by the Executive Committee of West Ham Constituency Labour Party. For socialists, the signs of capitalism’s failed response to a health crisis are glaringly plain for all to see. Boris Johnson flounders from one poorly judged decision to another, holding up his medical experts as a shield should he come under attack for any failures to deal … [Read more...]
Transforming Bradford
By Allan Brack reports on a radical cultural initiative Now more than ever, in the face of the most right-wing Tory Government in living memory and a world in turmoil, we need to radicalise and build a broad Labour Movement of solidarity, unity and strength. Alongside political debate and education, art and creativity have a huge role to play in combating the power of the media oligarchs, … [Read more...]
Editorial: On the Brink Spring 2020
This is no time for glib slogans. December’s election result is a serious setback. It clears the way for the most brutal Tory attacks yet seen on our living standards and our democratic rights, destroying the last remaining vestiges of the welfare state and plunging into despair a generation of youth desperate for the chance of a future. It also puts at risk the advances made in the last four … [Read more...]