A WIN discussion December 2024. Follow it on Youtube HERE. The recent general election in Ireland has marked a setback for the left. The two traditional parties of the ruling class have between them come close to an overall majority and are likely to continue to rule as a reactionary coalition. The Greens have been all but wiped out; Sinn Fein has lost momentum in terms of its voting percentage; … [Read more...]
Monarchy – By Finn Geaney
The multimillionaire scion of the super-wealthy, landowning Windsor family was 2 years ago accorded some powers over the Westminster Parliament and Government, powers that previously were exercised by other members of his family. This landed elite of privileged oligarchs have, over centuries, abrogated to themselves significant power over Britain’s elected parliament. The powers that Charles III … [Read more...]
Political repression is ruining our lives – Support the movement to protect our freedom to protest!
For more than seven months, a retired head teacher, a dementia care advisor and a retired environmental health officer have been left waiting in limbo by the Metropolitan Police, desperately hoping to find out if they will face criminal charges instigated by an east London council following a town hall protest. In February 2024, the three socialist campaigners attended a fraught Newham council … [Read more...]
Politics in Scotland
A WIN discussion October 2024. Listen HERE. From the mid-2000s the Scottish Nationalist Party has dominated Scottish politics - it was able to negotiate a referendum on Scottish Independence in 2014 and sweep aside all other parties in the 2015 British General Election. Prior to that the Labour Party was the dominant force in Scottish politics from the 1960s onwards. Why was there a move to … [Read more...]
Northern Ireland No Voice for Workers!
A WIN discussion, September 2024. Watch the recording HERE In April 2014, the Northern Ireland Office (the Voice of the UK Government) in Northern Ireland introduced a Public Statement as follows; “The Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement, signed on 10 April 1998, was a remarkable achievement and brought an end to 30 years of conflict in Northern Ireland known as the Troubles. 25 years on, … [Read more...]
A Quick Comment on the UK Riots and Immigrant Bashing – LBC Radio interview
by RICHARD MELLOR WATCH THE RADIO INTERVIEW HERE James O'Brien is very good here. The caller's mind won't be changed though because he's dishonest about his real feelings and view of the world. He also probably reads the Daily Mail, the Express and other rags that also foster nationalist and racist views. I remember an English woman complaining to me that all these Somalis who come in and … [Read more...]
Elections, Campaigns and the United Front
by Dave Hill I want to talk about three different things. I want to talk about the 2024 General Election in the UK and the local campaign in Brighton and Hove; the Far Right and their targets; and the United Front, bringing together organised labour and the traditional left with the pro-Palestine/ Gaza anti-imperialist campaigners and activists in an inclusive, democratic and participatory … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion July 2024. Last month’s elections for the European parliament confirmed recent trends around the world: a retreat for the left and the rise of far-right parties throughout most of the continent, and beyond. Listen to the discussion HERE One of the most prominent casualties of this process was an outstanding socialist voice in the European parliament: Clare Daly of … [Read more...]
Campaign for a Mass Workers’ Party Public Meeting JULY 2024
See the Zoom call HERE Now the election is over, where now for the left? As predicted, Labour has been elected by default on a poor turnout, as almost half of the electorate stayed away from the polls, yet Jeremy Corbyn was soundly re-elected in Islington North! The need to create a united force based in the working class, to give people hope and the will to re-engage, is urgent. Speakers … [Read more...]
A WIN discussion July 2024. Listen to the recording HERE. On Thursday 4th July Britain held a general election. The ruling Conservative Party was likely to be swept out of office after fourteen years of harsh cuts in living standards. During this period the Labour Party (the main opposition party) had undergone violent swings: a left surge during the period of Corbyn’s leadership, when … [Read more...]