WIN’s recent conference was attended both physically and online by a total of 60 comrades from 20 countries. WIN CONFERENCE 2023 - SESSION 1 - Near War and Class war - the United States and China - YouTube WIN CONFERENCE 2023 - SESSION 2 - THE UKRAINE WAR: AN INTERNATIONALIST APPROACH - Part 1 of 2 - YouTube WIN CONFERENCE 2023 - SESSION 3 - THE UKRAINE WAR: AN INTERNATIONALIST APPROACH … [Read more...]
WIN Conference is fast approaching - download your copy of the Agenda and Discussion documents. … [Read more...]
PREPARING THE WIN CONFERENCE - July 2023 - YouTube Our meeting this Sunday was devoted to a preparation for WIN's coming international event... WIN is holding a world conference over the weekend of 9th/10th September, at a countryside venue on the edge of London. All our subscribers are welcome to participate. The agenda will include sessions on US/China … [Read more...]
WIN Conference: Final Session
The function of the political committee will be to provide general oversight to the work of WIN. It will be composed of volunteers from around the world willing to commit themselves to meet once a month to discuss political and general strategic questions in depth. This body will elect an executive committee which will be accountable to it and will meet once a week to carry out day-to-day … [Read more...]
WIN Conference: Session 4 Part 1
WIN Conference: Session 3
The third session of the WIN conference moved on to a review of the experience of our comrades around the world, with dynamic reports from North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia, and a sober discussion of WIN's strategic goals. … [Read more...]
WIN’s Tasks Today
I am posting here an edited version of the contribution I made to yesterday’s session of the Workers’ International Network conference. All comments are welcome! Roger Silverman * * * * This discussion today is of vital importance. At our previous sessions we have drawn attention to what is rapidly looking like a worldwide uprising taking place across all the continents. Every day we see … [Read more...]
WIN Conference: Session 2
The second session of WIN’s conference was held on 16th January, with participants logged on from countries encompassing the globe from the USA to the Philippines and from Sweden to South Africa (twenty countries in total). The conference continued the discussion from the previous session on the document 2020 VISION: World Perspectives and on a new Perspectives Supplement on the Pandemic. The … [Read more...]
2020 Vision: World Perspectives
'Roger Silverman opened the conference of the Workers International Network with the following lead-off on World Perspectives, updating the 2020 Vision document with an analysis of the growing social, economic and environmental crisis and the worldwide upsurge of revolt … [Read more...]