FROM Richard Mellor, Afscme Local 444, HEO/GED retired, USA.

The savagery that we see in the video, occurred, not in opposition to US policy and the Biden/Harris Administration, but with its full cooperation. If you are silent on this in your everyday life then you too are complicit, not at the same level for sure, but you are not an innocent bystander any more than someone who witnesses an assault on another person and chooses to not get involved in any way, even as a witness.
As you watch this, think of the monsters that inhabit the US Congress. After you watch it, never again allow someone to question why the Germans allowed Hitler’s rise to power or the Nazi Party itself. Tell them to STFU when they go on about Stalin or Mao.
The savagery that we see in the video HERE occurred, not in opposition to US policy and the Biden/Harris Administration, but with its full cooperation. If you are silent on this in your everyday life then you too are complicit, not at the same level for sure, but you are not an innocent bystander any more than someone who witnesses an assault on another person and chooses to not get involved in any way, even as a witness.
No one with any sense blames all Germans for Hitler, nor are all Americans responsible for the war criminals Biden and Harris or the US Congress. We are not responsible for the three million Vietnamese the US government killed, under the leadership of Nixon, Kissinger, (one of the world’s preeminent killers) and LBJ. The twin parties of capitalism that have a dictatorship over US political and economic life are responsible.
But if you say nothing or support their policies you are. If you don’t raise it with friends now and then. If you don’t mention it at dinner with neighbors or relatives, you are taking sides, this is particularly true if you are in a trade union and have not raised this issue here as most oil the victims are workers for one thing.
I stopped by my city council meeting for a brief moment last night and spoke to one of the regular attendees. I asked if there was any efforts to pass a resolution against the genocide in Palestine. She replied that, “oh we don’t get involved in national or international politics.”
Firstly, that is not true, if Jews were being bombed rather then Muslims, or the British were bombing the Catholic communities in Northern Ireland we’d see a different scenario for sure.
Secondly, what a myopic view of the world. Nothing that happens locally can be separated from international events. Climate change doesn’t affect California’s West Coast does it?
When I ran for Oakland city council in 1996 I remember getting a book that all candidates received. One sentence stood out for me, it was a sentence that stressed that what happens in Oakland is dependent on “Pacific Rim Trade”. Oakland is a major container port in the U.S., and the main port for trade with Asia.
Israel is a racist Apartheid state. The Zionist regime is bombing civilians, women and children and the US is supporting it. Say something. See the blog HERE.

Juliet Stevenson is great and I commend her in addition to the respect I have for her as an actor. But what’s missing whenever well known people speak out like this, even labor party members or musicians or academics, and this is throughout the world, not just the UK, they never raise the obvious. Call on the trade unions and their leadership in your country to enter this battle as allies of the Palestinian people. It is workers that move the goods, load the ships, the planes, drive the trucks, make an issue of this and call on them in one way another to stop and down tools as we used to say. Given the crisis of leadership of the working class in the trade unions and political parties, I understand the omission but that’s a mistake. Mention the trade union leaders and leaders of any party that claims to be a party of the working class, and that includes communist and socialist parties throughout the world; they cannot claim to represent workers and not be involved, and certainly not silent in the struggle to defeat the Zionist Apartheid states’ genocide or any other assault on workers and the poor internationally. See Juliet Stevenson’s speech on Youtube HERE. Read the full blog HERE.

November 2024. Please take time off your day to watch the Palestinian representative at the UN plead the UN members to stop the genocide; we owe it to him and the Palestinian people to hear his plea. The resolution for a ceasefire was blocked by the US veto, one of many. It’s a very powerful speech and the US representative sits there after voting to allow the Israeli’s to continue the massacres with US bombs and our tax money. The vast majority of US workers would support this resolution and disagree with their government here. How this guy can go home to his family is beyond me? I don’t know his name and couldn’t find it but he doesn’t represent me or most US workers. He is a participant in the mass murder of a people in order to advance his pathetic career. See the plea on Youtube HERE.
Israel’s Racist Football Fans Were Instigators Not Victims in Amsterdam

A few thoughts on the video – see HERE – and its implications
I do hope that folks share this report far and wide. I have so many thoughts in my mind about this event and the response to it in the western media and the willingness of western politicians, particularly the US and UK, to go along with what are clearly lies. I hope I am not too muddled here.
The narrator explains what actually happened in Amsterdam but why is it that racist Zionist thugs can occupy the streets of a European nation and run amok? Worse, why are they portrayed as the victims? The ruling classes in Europe and the US are overwhelmingly Christian and most of them rabid anti-Semites. They have no love for Jews. This is one of the reasons I do not accept the view that US, British and practically all western European politicians are in the pay of AIPAC and the Israeli’s.
I know people that read this blog have heard this before but it can only be one reason in my mind. Israel is a European colonial settler state. The support for a Jewish homeland and state, “a loyal little Ulster in a sea of Arabism.” as the former British governor of Jerusalem described it, served a dual purpose. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire after WW1 offered an opportunity for Britain and US imperialism in particular, to gain a foothold in a very important part of the world. The Suez canal and the Red Sea as a trade route, were then and still are, vital to western capitalism. And it would aid the European ruling classes an opportunity to shift its centuries old “Jewish problem” after Christian Europe, under the Nazi’s murdered some 6 million of them.
At this juncture, for the US along with its sycophantic allies in Westminster who long for the glory of better days when Britannia Ruled the Waves, to lose this colonial outpost in Palestine would be a disaster, a crushing defeat for the world’s dominant global power threatened by a major peer competitor in the form of China. The Zionists behaviour, governing a racist Apartheid regime, threaten even to undermine the support of the corrupt Arab ruling classes who are kept in power to a great degree by US money and weaponry. Traditionally, this is why Israel has been so important as the revolutionary potential of the Arab masses assures a very unstable Arab ruling class. We saw that in play in the Arab Spring of 2011 when more than one US backed autocrat fell after another.
So what’s happening with the massive push on the part of the US and the UK in particular (Germany has other reasons to consider as well) to equate criticism of Israel or Zionism as anti-Semitism is that the latter is being weaponized. For the ruling class of the US and the UK, who are overwhelmingly Christian with a long tradition of Jew hating, it is a way of garnering support for its settler colony in Palestine.
Most Germans were not Nazis. Millions of Germans died because of the rise of the Nazi’s and their gaining state power. Nazism is a racist political movement. Up until a little more than 100 years ago Zionism was nothing but a tiny sect that most Jewish workers would have never considered joining. The European Jewish capitalist class were another matter. But with the betrayal of the Stalinist dictatorship and then the Nazi Holocaust, one can understand why many Jewish survivors of that horror came to the conclusion that if we don’t get a state of our own they’ll kill us all.
But this was a trick, the Jews Europe were betrayed yet again as the interest of European and US capital came first. Many important Jews opposed the formation of a state of European refugees in Arab Palestine. Arab Jews have always lived in Palestine as have Christians, and no one denies that right.
The Zionists, like the Nazis want to cleanse the region of Palestinians and Arabs in general and, by their own admission, want to build a greater Israel like Hitler wanted to build a greater Germany. And if they can get away with that, the US and western powers will not object. Religious lunatics like Huckabee are a different matter. They too are anti-Semites but it’s not possible to have a rational debate with someone who thinks a supernatural being is going to appear there and take people like him up in to a nirvana in the sky and those Jews that don’t convert will rot in hell. The Zionists are mostly Atheists and don’t believe all that stuff so they will use the Evangelicals as long as it serves their interests.
This is why we see right wing Christians, main stream parties like the Democrats and Republicans in the US and fascist elements everywhere supporting Zionists and both attacking Jews who support Palestinian rights or object to the Zionist genocide. This is very dangerous. As I say, Nazi’s were Germans but had no qualms about killing other Germans and the Zionists regime has no qualms about killing Israeli’s and especially the Diaspora Jews.
The force that can change this situation and that is lacking at this point is the working class internationally. It is so obvious at this point in time that workers control of the productive forces inlcluding and especially the means of communication, is the only answer to what we see in the video. The immense global power that workers have is being held back by its own leaders on the one hand and vicious repression on the other. But that will have to change and I believe will change if we are to avert a catastrophe in the form of a nuclear conflict, or, as time passes, massive climate disaster where whole swathes of the planet will be uninhabitable.