As we go to print, a bloodbath is being prepared against the Syrian people in Idlib province. Hundreds of thousands from elsewhere in Syria have been kettled there along with the original Idlib population. The Iranian government, whose troops in Syria have carried out ethnic cleansing, has called for a “purge” in Idlib. Troops of Assad, Putin and Rouhani are massing at the border while Russian warships are gathering off the coast. This comes after the forces of Assad and Putin have killed over half a million in their air war driven counter-revolution, on top of the tens of thousands executed or tortured to death in Assad’s prisons. A hint of the future under Assad can be seen in the comment of Syrian General Jamil al-Hassad that incarcerating three million Syrians would be “not a major difficulty”. He continued: “A Syria with ten million trustworthy people obedient to the leadership is better than a Syria with thirty million vandals.” We call on readers to participate in any protests that occur against these crimes of the Syrian regime and its sponsors, and to add their names to the letter urging Jeremy Corbyn to forcefully speak up against what has become one of the greatest crimes against humanity of this century. It can be found online at this link
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