“…The only way forward is the class struggle”. At first this may seem a far-fetched utopia. But a closer look will bring it to light like a shining star in the black night of capitalist reaction. During this very war there are glorious examples of this phenomenon. If class struggle is a utopia, what name can be given to the Jews’ movement in America “Not in Our Name”? What about the valiant “Stop the Boat” movement of the workers of America, Europe and Australia? What about the suicide of Aaron Bushnell, a young American airman, in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC uttering his last words: “Free Palestine”? Last but not the least, what should we call the passion of an Israeli youth whom Aljazeera quoted as saying in the earlier days of war “the easiest way to commit suicide in Israel these days is to come out with a Palestinian flag. But we do come out as it is needed more than ever.” These movements and voices are a clear manifestation of class struggle. They are the only signs which stand as a proof that humanity in not dead as yet. They maybe discorded and incoherent but they only need to be armed with revolutionary ideas, with an alternative political and economic programme to replace this barbaric and oppressive capitalist world order.” #PalestineWillBeFree Read here http://www.marxistreview.asia/the-genesis-of-palestinian-issue-is-there-any-way-out/